
How To Use The Step Guides
Seller Introduction
Thinking About Selling
Research the Market
Preparing Financial Records for the Property
Determining Your Property's Value
Choosing the Right Conveyancing Lawyer when Selling Property
Navigating the Bright-Line Test
Deciding To Sell Your Property Privately
Choosing a Real Estate Agent
Negotiating Commission Pricing Structure with a Real Estate Agent
Understanding Your Legal Obligations as a Seller
Making Property Improvements Before Listing
Staging the Property
Scheduling Professional Photography and Videography
Creating an Engaging Property Listing
Setting a Competitive Selling Price
Choosing the Type of Property Sale
Hosting Open Houses
Reviewing Offers with Agent

Accepting an Offer and Signing a Sale and Purchase Agreement
Facilitating Property Inspections for the Buyer
Addressing Potential Inspection Related Issues
Preparing For The Buyer To Go Unconditional
What Happens If A Conditional Deal Falls Through
Buyer Confirming Unconditional
Preparing for Settlement Date
Searching for New Property or Rental
Organising the Move to New Accommodation
Coordinating Settlement Day Logistics
Handling Final Utility Readings
Updating Mailing Address
Reflecting on Your Sales Experience
Planning for Future Property Purchases

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Sell / Step 20 of 34

Reviewing Offers with Agent

Understanding a buyer's offer and making the best choice for you

Receiving and reviewing offers is a pivotal moment in the selling process that requires keen insight and careful consideration. Partnering with a seasoned real estate agent can be instrumental in navigating this crucial phase.

Every offer you receive for your property brings along a unique mix of terms, conditions and financial implications. While it is tempting to focus solely on the price offered, it is crucial to dig deeper into the finer details. Understanding these subtleties will aid in comparing offers, aligning them with your personal selling goals and evaluating them against the current market value of your property.

Settlement Dates

This is the day when ownership of the property changes hands and the buyer pays you the sale price. If a buyer proposes a settlement date that doesn't align with your schedule or plans, it may impact your decision to accept or decline their offer.


Several conditions may be attached to an offer, such as:

Finance condition: The buyer needs to secure a mortgage or some other form of financing before they can purchase your property.

Building inspections: A satisfactory report from a building inspector is required before proceeding with the purchase.

Always take into account how these conditions could affect the sale process and whether they align with your selling objectives.

Included Chattels

Chattels are movable items that you agree to leave behind when you sell your property. They can include curtains, light fittings or appliances. An offer might include specific chattels as part of the deal, which can influence its overall value.

Sale of Property Clause 

Look for this clause in an offer, as it may cause a chain of property transactions to all have to succeed for your sale to go through.

Your real estate agent brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. They're well-versed in interpreting market trends and providing sage advice on which offers align best with your objectives. An agent's expertise is invaluable in deciphering complex legal jargon and ensuring that you understand every aspect of the proposals.

Crafting a response to potential buyers is an art form. Transitionary words like 'however', 'furthermore', and 'consequently' help in communicating counter-offers while maintaining positive engagement with interested parties. It’s about striking a balance between firm negotiation and open communication.

Negotiation is key in securing not just any deal, but the right deal. Your agent’s negotiation skills become your greatest asset as they work to achieve an outcome that meets or exceeds your expectations. This process often involves back-and-forth discussions where clear, concise communication is paramount.

One thing to keep in mind is people almost never come in with their best offer first, so if you are selling a property for $1,000.000 and an offer is at $950,000, you could go back with $990,000 to see if they will raise their offer price.

Reviewing offers isn't solely about the numbers; it involves understanding the legal and financial implications of each proposal. Your agent can guide you through this maze, ensuring all statutory requirements are met and that you’re aware of any potential tax obligations or legal liabilities before making a decision.

Your real estate agent acts as the channel between you and potential buyers. They have the tactful communication skills necessary to convey your interests while keeping negotiations amicable.

Achieving success in New Zealand's dynamic property market goes beyond merely accepting the highest bid. It requires a comprehensive understanding of each offer's unique components and how they align with your goals.

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