
How To Use The Step Guides
Seller Introduction
Thinking About Selling
Research the Market
Preparing Financial Records for the Property
Determining Your Property's Value
Choosing the Right Conveyancing Lawyer when Selling Property
Navigating the Bright-Line Test
Deciding To Sell Your Property Privately
Choosing a Real Estate Agent
Negotiating Commission Pricing Structure with a Real Estate Agent
Understanding Your Legal Obligations as a Seller
Making Property Improvements Before Listing
Staging the Property
Scheduling Professional Photography and Videography
Creating an Engaging Property Listing
Setting a Competitive Selling Price
Choosing the Type of Property Sale
Hosting Open Houses

Reviewing Offers with Agent
Accepting an Offer and Signing a Sale and Purchase Agreement
Facilitating Property Inspections for the Buyer
Addressing Potential Inspection Related Issues
Preparing For The Buyer To Go Unconditional
What Happens If A Conditional Deal Falls Through
Buyer Confirming Unconditional
Preparing for Settlement Date
Searching for New Property or Rental
Organising the Move to New Accommodation
Coordinating Settlement Day Logistics
Handling Final Utility Readings
Updating Mailing Address
Reflecting on Your Sales Experience
Planning for Future Property Purchases

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Sell / Step 19 of 34

Hosting Open Houses

Opening your property to potential buyers

Hosting an open house can be a pivotal step towards securing that coveted sale. An open house not only showcases your home to potential buyers but also offers a unique opportunity to connect and engage with them. Here are some tips on how to make the most of these events and what you can expect during the process.

Once the open house event has concluded, a swift follow-up with attendees is crucial. This is a strategic move that could potentially lead to a successful sale.

Your real estate agent can be instrumental in this process. They can initiate contact with those who attended the viewing, reaching out to thank them for their time and to seek their feedback.

The Importance of Follow-Ups After the Open House

A well-executed follow-up strategy, post an open house is pivotal in optimising your chances of selling swiftly and at the right price. By creating a dialogue with potential buyers and using their feedback constructively, you're one step closer to successfully selling your home.

Gathering Feedback for Improvements

The feedback received from viewers is an opportunity to gain insights into how your property is perceived. This information can help you understand whether your home's presentation was appealing, what aspects caught visitors' attention and perhaps any areas that may have raised concerns or questions.

Moreover, the feedback can serve as guidance for making any necessary improvements before future showings. This iterative approach can significantly enhance your property's appeal over time.

Ensuring your agent is sending you vendor reports with open home attendee feedback after every weekend ensures that the follow up process is being completed correctly.

Engaging Potential Buyers

As potential buyers often attend multiple open homes before making a decision, a well-timed follow-up can keep your property at the forefront of their minds. This could be in the form of:

  • A personalised email thanking them for their attendance
  • A phone call to discuss any queries they may have
  • An invitation to a private viewing if they showed particular interest

First impressions count, so it's crucial to ensure that your property is presented in its best light. A tidy, well-maintained home will instantly appeal to visitors. Consider staging your space by decluttering and arranging furniture to highlight the property's best features. Fresh flowers or a subtle fragrance can add a welcoming touch, making potential buyers feel at ease as they explore.

The timing of your open house can significantly impact its success. Weekends are traditionally the best time to attract a larger crowd since most people have time off work. Aim for late morning or early afternoon when natural light is abundant, illuminating your home's charm.

If there is a home on the same street also with an open home, try to time it at the same time or directly before/after. This will attract anyone in the area who was at a different open home, and will decide to just pop in as they pass by if it's already open.

Effective marketing is essential to draw interest to your open house. Utilise online platforms and social media to reach a broad audience, ensuring you include high-quality photos and an enticing description of your property. Traditional methods like signage in the neighbourhood and adverts in local newspapers are effective as well.

Open home directional signage leading to the home are essential for Agents to do before and on an open home day.

Be prepared for a range of questions from visitors. Some may be curious about the basics - like the number of bedrooms or zoning for local schools - while others might delve deeper into details regarding renovations or maintenance issues. Being transparent and providing accurate information will build trust with potential buyers.

Enlisting the help of a professional real estate agent can be invaluable. They have the expertise to handle negotiations and can offer additional tips on how to prepare for an open house. Moreover, their understanding of current market trends ensures that your property is priced competitively, attracting serious buyers.

Remember, every interaction counts and could be the difference between securing a sale or not.

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